Cell cellector

مشخصات دستگاه

متن تستی متن تستی متن تستی متن تستی متن تستی متن تستی متن تستی متن تستی
AVISO CellCelector TM
The AVISO CellCelector is a freely configurable tool for the automated transfer of single cells and cell colonies. The patented harvest process allows a gentle cell uptake directly from the culture plate without pre-treatment. Using this technology, highest survival rate and cell integrity are guaranteed.
Our new developed laminar flow cabinet allows you to work permanently under sterilizable and defined environmental conditions (temperature, CO2).
A controlled cell harvest has an increasing importance for the applications of the rapidly expanding life science sector.
Technology of image recognition, cell isolation and documentation
The AVISO CellCelector combines precise robotic technology with a sophisticated image processing software.
The integrated inverted microscope enables work under brightfield, phase contrast and fluorescence conditions.
The workflow of the AVISO CellCelector is divided into
three steps:
Image recognition
Cell harvesting
The settings of the sequences can be specifically defined by the user.

Your Benefits
Highest cell integrity and viability
No intracellular changes in the signalling due to gentle harvesting techniques which allows gene expression and/or proteomic studies
A fully customizable, real microscope system for live cell imaging
A variety of analysis tools
Standardisation by exclusion of personal variances
Utilizing of Cell type specific detection-and harvesting protocols
Utilizing of all common labware
Integration in complex workstations
No elaborate and time consuming pre-treatment of cells
Replacement of manual picking processes with quality control
Performing time and labour routine lab work as a "byproduct" (e.g. over night)
Saving manpower
Complete process documentation
Mobilizing technology of cutting edge research applications requires close and beneficial collaborations.
The highly motivated ALS Automated Lab Solutions team works with customers and partners worldwide to generate solutions for their specific needs and demands.
Our AVISO CellCelector system supports to utilize any, even none standard, labware for your specific workflow.Furthermore, our device allows software and hardware adoptions to meet your specific application need or e.g. the integration of our system into an automation platform.


E-Mail: ceo@farayand.com
تلفن:72- 88334462 021
دورنگار: 88002310 021
آدرس: تهران، ميدان فاطمی، میدان گلها، خيابان كاج جنوبي،كوچه هشتم، پلاک 27
کد پستی: 1413874873
صندوق پستی: 14155/4415

شبکه های اجتماعی

محصولات اخیر

  • Microplate Reader
  • Autoclave
  • santrifuj
  • Microplate Washer
  • Incubators
  •  PCR


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